Yesterday was the first day of Spring! Though it may not feel like it today (snowing and about -10˚C) we have officially made it through the winter.
The coming of spring signifies many wonderful things: growth, new beginnings, (re)birth and life.
Here are some tips to help you take advantage of this exciting time:

2. Enjoy home-grown goodness The growing season is starting! If you decide to eat fruits and vegetables during their peak season you are in for a treat. They are usually more nutritious, extremely flavourful and less expensive. Bonus points if you chose locally sourced produce! Check out this link to find out when Ontario fruits and vegetables are in season:
3. Do some spring cleaning The term “spring cleaning” usually conjures up visions of washing drapes and chasing dust bunnies. Why not clear out “mental clutter” instead? Choose a few things on your lengthy to-do list that you’ve been putting off. Spend 10 minutes and write about an issue that is bothering you. Tackle a task that has been causing you anxiety. These little steps can reduce stress, worry and even help you sleep!
4. Breathe in that fresh spring air Take in a deep breath and count to 3…..and hold….aaaaaaaand release! Sound familiar? Deep breathing techniques are found in many types of therapy, probably because they are both simple and effective. Take slow, deep breaths. Imagine your stress and worry leaving your body with each breath. This can be done anywhere…at work, in the shower, even in the car while you’re stuck in traffic!
For more information about Spring Wellness Tips or to book a Spring Spinal Assessment, please call us at 905-420-7231.
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