Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Six Reasons For Chiropractic During Pregnancy

The Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health is a family practice.  In addition to treating post-partum women (and their newborns!), we also see women who are pregnant. 

During pregnancy, women’s bodies undergo huge physical, chemical and emotional changes in a short period of time.   Chiropractic care can help ease this transition and ensure that everything goes smoothly.

The top six reasons to get adjusted when you are pregnant:

  1. Improve Nervous System Function:  Your nervous system controls and co-ordinates every cell in your body.  It is important to keep this system operating at its optimal level, especially when you’re creating a human being.  Chiropractic care helps remove any interference that may impact your nervous system.

  1. Shorter Labour Time:  Women who received chiropractic care throughout their first pregnancy had 24% shorter labour times (Fallon, 1991).  For multiple pregnancies, the labour time decreased by 39. Enough said!

  1. Less Pain During Labour:  Pregnant women who have regular chiropractic adjustments not only have significantly less back pain, but are also better able to adapt to their contractions during labour.

  1. Increased Comfort During Pregnancy:  The dramatic changes of pregnancy can be difficult to withstand. Regular adjustments ensure the body communicates better with itself and can handle the stresses of pregnancy more easily.

  1. Better Space for Baby:  The pelvic area is under the most strain during pregnancy.  Chiropractic care can help address postural strains, musculo-skeletal abnormalities and nervous system dysfunction in the pelvic area.  This helps provide space for the baby to grow and encourage a head-down position.

  1. Decreased Chance of a Breech Birth:  Breech positioning can be due to decreased nerve supply and pelvic misalignment, both conditions that chiropractic can address.  If the baby is breech, certain adjustment techniques be utilized to help the body facilitate the proper position for the baby.   

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can ease the transition of each trimester and greatly improve the labour experience.  After birth, newborns can also receive chiropractic care and continue the journey of optimum wellness that they started in the womb.

If you are pregnant and want to explore chiropractic care, please call (905) 420-7231 to book a consultation. 

Adapted from “Five Reasons to Get Checked by A Chiropractor During Pregnancy” by Dr. Andrea Ryan.

Other sources:
 Fallon, J. (1991) The effects of chiropractic treatment on pregnancy and labor: a comprehensive study. From Proceedings of the world chiropractic conference. Pp 24–31.

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