Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health
Monday, 21 April 2014
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Delicious Raw Truffle Balls
Delicious Raw Truffle
These chocolate-y treats
are fantastic! Teresa made them and
brought them in to share with staff and patients. One happy patient said “Two thumbs up! I give my seal of approval!”
They taste like chocolate
truffles but are full of healthy ingredients like dates and walnuts. And best of all, they take 10 minutes to make
from start to finish!
This recipe is from the
1 cup walnuts (chopped)
3 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp salt
Put all ingredients into a
food processor and grind until you get a smooth texture.
Roll dough into small
Yields 12-16 balls.
Teresa suggests rolling
them in organic shredded coconut or cocoa powder.
Enjoy and share with
family and friends!
Photo credit goes to
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Back Pain is the #1 Cause of Disability Worldwide
Global Burden of Disease 2010 Project highlights the pressing need to prevent, treat spinal and musculoskeletal disorders
A series of studies emerging from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 Project1 clarifies the worldwide health burden of musculoskeletal conditions, particularly back and neck pain. Low back pain has been identified as the number-one cause of disability worldwide and neck pain the number-four cause.
Overall, musculoskeletal conditions represent the second leading cause of global disability.
Findings show that the burden of disability is making a larger footprint in global health compared to a mere 20-30 years ago. In addition, while more people are living longer, they do so with an increasing risk of living with the burden of pain, disability and disease compared to generations past.
In addition, the Global Burden of Disease 2010 project found:
§ Musculoskeletal conditions such as low back pain, neck pain and arthritis affect more than 1.7 billion people worldwide and have a greater impact on the health (in terms of death and disability) of the world population than HIV/AIDS, tropical diseases including malaria, the forces of war and nature, and all neurological conditions combined.
§ When considering death and disability in the health equation, musculoskeletal disorders cause 21.3% of all years lived with disability (YLDs), second only to mental and behavioral disorders, which account for 22.7% of YLDs.
§ Musculoskeletal conditions represent the sixth leading cause of death and disability worldwide.
§ Low back pain is the most dominant musculoskeletal condition, accounting for nearly one-half of all musculoskeletal YLDs. Neck pain accounts for one-fifth of musculoskeletal YLDs.
§ Low back pain is the sixth most important contributor to the global disease burden, and has a greater impact on global health than COPD, tuberculosis, diabetes , and even malaria.
§ When combined with neck pain, painful spinal disorders are second only to ischemic heart disease in terms of their impact on the global burden of disease. Spinal disorders have a greater impact than HIV/AIDS, malaria, lower respiratory infections, stroke, breast and lung cancer combined, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression or traffic injuries.
§ Current estimates suggest more than 632 million people worldwide suffer from low back pain and 332 million people worldwide suffer from neck pain.
The Global Burden of Disease Study provides indisputable evidence that musculoskeletal conditions are an enormous and emerging problem in all parts of the world. They need to be given the same priority as other major conditions like cancer, mental health and cardiovascular disease.
The seven studies from Global Burden of Disease 2010, as well as accompanying commentaries, appear in The Lancet.
1 A massive collaboration between the World Health Organization, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (the coordinating center), the University of Queensland School of Population Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the University of Tokyo, Imperial College London
Edited from an article by Peter W. Crownfield, Executive Editor
Saturday, 30 March 2013
An Alternative to Easter Chocolate
Easter Sunday is tomorrow! Many are enjoying egg hunts, family dinners and...chocolate!
So much chocolate in so many different forms can be tempting. If you'd like to enjoy the taste of chocolate, try this easy recipe! Chris brought it in for us and it was absolutely delicious!
3 tbsp of coconut oil
3 tbsp of cocoa
8 packages of stevia or, if you prefer liquid stevia, 2 full droppers
Place coconut oil and cocoa in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for about 1 minute.
Remove from microwave and mix until blended. Mix in stevia.
Line a container with wax paper, pour the mixture into the container and place in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Note: this must stay refrigerated to maintain its "brittle-like" texture. It will become soft at room temperature.
Chris also recommends using cupcake liners to create individual servings.
So much chocolate in so many different forms can be tempting. If you'd like to enjoy the taste of chocolate, try this easy recipe! Chris brought it in for us and it was absolutely delicious!
3 tbsp of coconut oil
3 tbsp of cocoa
8 packages of stevia or, if you prefer liquid stevia, 2 full droppers
Place coconut oil and cocoa in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for about 1 minute.
Remove from microwave and mix until blended. Mix in stevia.
Line a container with wax paper, pour the mixture into the container and place in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Note: this must stay refrigerated to maintain its "brittle-like" texture. It will become soft at room temperature.
Chris also recommends using cupcake liners to create individual servings.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Spring into Wellness
Yesterday was the first day of Spring! Though it may not feel like it today (snowing and about -10˚C) we have officially made it through the winter.
The coming of spring signifies many wonderful things: growth, new beginnings, (re)birth and life.
Here are some tips to help you take advantage of this exciting time:

2. Enjoy home-grown goodness The growing season is starting! If you decide to eat fruits and vegetables during their peak season you are in for a treat. They are usually more nutritious, extremely flavourful and less expensive. Bonus points if you chose locally sourced produce! Check out this link to find out when Ontario fruits and vegetables are in season:
3. Do some spring cleaning The term “spring cleaning” usually conjures up visions of washing drapes and chasing dust bunnies. Why not clear out “mental clutter” instead? Choose a few things on your lengthy to-do list that you’ve been putting off. Spend 10 minutes and write about an issue that is bothering you. Tackle a task that has been causing you anxiety. These little steps can reduce stress, worry and even help you sleep!
4. Breathe in that fresh spring air Take in a deep breath and count to 3…..and hold….aaaaaaaand release! Sound familiar? Deep breathing techniques are found in many types of therapy, probably because they are both simple and effective. Take slow, deep breaths. Imagine your stress and worry leaving your body with each breath. This can be done anywhere…at work, in the shower, even in the car while you’re stuck in traffic!
For more information about Spring Wellness Tips or to book a Spring Spinal Assessment, please call us at 905-420-7231.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
14 Day Feel Better Challenge
Begin your journey to wellness by following these
14 easy steps for 14 days…
1. Start every morning with 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in a glass of water.
2. Stop eating when you’re full.
3. Drink an 8 oz glass of water 6-8 times a day to facilitate toxin elimination.
4. Drink herbal teas.
· Green tea builds the immune system
· Raspberry tea nourishes the ovaries/uterus.
· Milk thistle tea acts as a liver cleanse and aids cell regeneration.
· Ginger tea is a digestive aid and lowers blood pressure.
5. Don’t skip breakfast.
6. Eat smaller meals more frequently. 5 to 6 small meals a day is best.
7. Avoid eating after 7:30 pm.
8. Eat all colors of fruit and vegetables.
9. Don’t drink with meals. It dilutes the stomach enzymes and acid needed to digest food.
10. Practice portion control. Your plate should be ¼ protein, ¼ starch (pasta, rice, potato) and the remaining ½ should be salad and vegetables.
11. Exercise at least, 3 times a week (toxins are eliminated through the pores while perspiring).
12. Chew food thoroughly before swallowing.
13. Eat more fibre. It stabilizes blood sugar and sweeps toxins out of the body.
14. Avoid sugary snacks, saturated fat, processed food, coffee, dairy, pop and alcohol.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Six Reasons For Chiropractic During Pregnancy
The Chiropractic Centre for Optimum Health is a family practice. In addition to treating post-partum women (and their newborns!), we also see women who are pregnant.
During pregnancy, women’s bodies undergo huge physical, chemical and emotional changes in a short period of time. Chiropractic care can help ease this transition and ensure that everything goes smoothly.
The top six reasons to get adjusted when you are pregnant:
- Improve Nervous System Function: Your nervous system controls and co-ordinates every cell in your body. It is important to keep this system operating at its optimal level, especially when you’re creating a human being. Chiropractic care helps remove any interference that may impact your nervous system.
- Shorter Labour Time: Women who received chiropractic care throughout their first pregnancy had 24% shorter labour times (Fallon, 1991). For multiple pregnancies, the labour time decreased by 39. Enough said!
- Less Pain During Labour: Pregnant women who have regular chiropractic adjustments not only have significantly less back pain, but are also better able to adapt to their contractions during labour.
- Increased Comfort During Pregnancy: The dramatic changes of pregnancy can be difficult to withstand. Regular adjustments ensure the body communicates better with itself and can handle the stresses of pregnancy more easily.
- Better Space for Baby: The pelvic area is under the most strain during pregnancy. Chiropractic care can help address postural strains, musculo-skeletal abnormalities and nervous system dysfunction in the pelvic area. This helps provide space for the baby to grow and encourage a head-down position.
- Decreased Chance of a Breech Birth: Breech positioning can be due to decreased nerve supply and pelvic misalignment, both conditions that chiropractic can address. If the baby is breech, certain adjustment techniques be utilized to help the body facilitate the proper position for the baby.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy can ease the transition of each trimester and greatly improve the labour experience. After birth, newborns can also receive chiropractic care and continue the journey of optimum wellness that they started in the womb.
If you are pregnant and want to explore chiropractic care, please call (905) 420-7231 to book a consultation.
Adapted from “Five Reasons to Get Checked by A Chiropractor During Pregnancy” by Dr. Andrea Ryan.
Other sources:
Fallon, J. (1991) The effects of chiropractic treatment on pregnancy and labor: a comprehensive study. From Proceedings of the world chiropractic conference. Pp 24–31.
Photo credit to
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